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Vols en globus infantil




Puigmal i Olla de Núria


This is one of the most eagerly awaited flights, taking off at an altitude of 2,000 metres, between the Sanctuary of Núria and the lake, we will fly surrounded by the Olla de Núria with peaks such as Noucreus, Noufonts and Puigmal at 2,910 metres, a magical experience.


It is such a special flight that we only do it once a year: the balloon needs very specific atmospheric conditions that we only find in winter. In addition, to all this we must add the complex logistical issue: the Kon Tiki team goes up the day before the flight to prepare all the material up in the Monastery with the FGC rack railway.


Passengers who want to enjoy this unique flight can also go up the day before and spend the night in Núria (at their own expense) or go up the same day with the first rack railway leaving Ribes Vila at 07:30h AM, the flight will take off at around 9am on February 22nd. The last confirmation will be given a few days before the flight depending on the weather forecast and will be postponed 14 days later if the weather would not look good.


This is one of our great flights in the Pyrenees, it usually lasts between 2 and 3 hours. The direction will be marked by the wind and all this together with the expertise of the experienced Kon Tiki balloon pilots will make it an unforgettable experience.


It must be said that you must be well wrapped up for this type of flight, where you can reach heights of between 3,000 and 4,000 meters, to finally reach some valley where a Kon Tiki vehicle will come to pick you up after landing. We will also celebrate the flight with a toast with cava and you will take our flight certificate in the form of a "personalized balloon passport".


The places on this flight are limited


INFORMATION: telephone 935156060 / whatsapp +34690830713

Book now






ScheduleFrom monday to friday from 9 to 17h